备注: 类型:韩国剧剧情,言情
主演:Ethan Haslam,Johannes Grenzfurthner,Jason Scott Sadofsky
备注: 类型:韩国剧剧情,言情
主演:Robert Urich,Annette O'Toole,John de Lancie
简介: 绰号“LUCKY”的葛蓝是一名出色的战斗机飞行员,但他厌倦了血与火的生活,于是申请从空军退役,任职于一家航空公司。 然而,民航飞行员的生涯也不是一帆风顺的。一次他飞行途中刚刚升空就遇上乱流,导致客机与一架直升机凌空相撞,一个引擎报废,机身严重受损并失去平衡,虽然不至于立即坠毁,但只能向上爬升不能下降。 一切是这样措手不及,燃料却只剩下两小时,在这短短的时间里他要经历一生中最大的挑战,319名乘客的性命完全操纵在他的手上…… 无奈之中,地面控制中心请求空军派遣一架空中加油机协助救援,军机也唯有冒险一试:先扫射客机尾翼,使其停止继续爬升,然后通过加油管道向客机机头注水,试图恢复机身平衡。 在这期间,葛蓝和客机的空乘人员们要面临机身破损失压、氧气不足、机舱气温急剧下降的巨大风险…… 他们能否从地狱门口平安返航,降落人间呢……
备注: 类型:韩国剧剧情,言情
主演:Matthew Broderick,Jeanne Tripplehorn,Tim Guinee
简介: Sam (Matthew Broderick) is the reasonable man in a crazy urban world, the man of thoughtfulness and refined taste in a landscape of Leroy Neiman paintings and beer commercials. The guy would sooner cook for an hour over a hot stove than say `supersize it.' By day he's a store clerk in an upscale gourmet eatery, and these scenes raise a smile, especially for anyone who's visited...
备注: 类型:韩国剧剧情,言情
主演:迪米特里·多雷,让-吕克·文森特,罗曼·维列迪欧,艾利克斯·范古因,Tino Vigier,Nelly Bruel,Ivan Chiodetti,Dominique Legrand,Antoine Brunel,Tristan Chiodetti,René Loyon,Rémy Leboucq,André Salson,Astrid Vialard,Jeanne Fauchier
简介:In 1905, French seminarian Bruno Reidel is found guilty of murdering a child. At the request of the doctors observing him, he writes his memoirs to explain his action.
备注: 类型:韩国剧剧情,言情
主演:丹尼尔·鲍德温 Daniel Baldwin,Hannes Jaenicke,Lisa Vidal
简介:自从上次前往墨西哥援救美国议员任务中,丧失许多部属后,摩飞上尉一直深受恶梦困扰。 然而,上次他又接到上级命令,必须远赴墨西哥,协助当地人民脱离贩毒商人沙力东的魔掌,为了对抗沙力东邪恶的势力,他们将使用这架名为Active Stealth的最新科技武器作为前锋,应付墨西哥这群难缠的毒商。
备注: 类型:韩国剧剧情,言情
主演:西蒙·飞利普斯,Anne-Carolyne Binette,Caylin Turner,Jason Sedlar,Iyore Edegbe,Marie Luciani-Grimaldi
简介:A cheerleader is imprisoned and made to jump through social media challenges for a seemingly motivated kidnapper - but does he want more than he is telling her?
备注: 类型:韩国剧剧情,言情
主演:Joanne Jansen,Neville Edwards,Sierra Woolridge,肖恩·琼斯,Colton Royce,Mary Ditta
简介:A busy working mother hires a nurse to care for her wealthy father who has early onset dementia. Soon a bizarre deception creeps into play when the seductive nurse makes a play for the family fortune.
备注: 类型:韩国剧剧情,言情
主演:Anne Francis,Lisa Hartman,William Russ
简介: This movie was the most illogical and stupid movie EVER made. If the FBI would have been called in once it was officially a kidnapping, the movie would have been over in 20 minutes and all of the people involved would have been in jail. Instead, the peo
备注: 类型:韩国剧剧情,言情
主演:Anne Francis,Lisa Hartman,William Russ
简介: This movie was the most illogical and stupid movie EVER made. If the FBI would have been called in once it was officially a kidnapping, the movie would have been over in 20 minutes and all of the people involved would have been in jail. Instead, the people searching for the kidnapped kid, bumble their way through two hours of absolutely unpredictable stupidity.
备注: 类型:韩国剧剧情,言情
主演:David Bradley,Lee Reyes,Anne Dupont,Pat Morita
简介: 才能出众的科学家史崔贝博士研究出一种新型杀伤力极强的瓦斯剂,却因此遭到生性残暴的不法之徒葛洛克之威迫,并且绑架史崔贝之心爱的女儿丽莎,威胁史崔贝将该危险武器研发成功。乔凯斯这位黑带三段的夫夫高手,为了维护正义,偕同少年忍者海洛一起深入虎内涉险搭救丽莎,破坏毒瓦斯计划,一场生死存已之浩劫终能幸免吗