备注: 类型:韩国剧剧情,言情
主演:埃里克·帕拉迪诺,迈克尔·马德森,大卫·莫斯科,Heather Marie Marsden,皮特·杰森,Owen Beckman,Jeff Enden,安东尼·约翰·邓尼森,Lobo Sebastian,里戈·桑切斯,Mirelly Taylor,大卫·格罗
简介: A small time thief-turned-undercover cop teams up with his old criminal partners to infiltrate a street gang involved in a brutal war over territory.
备注: 类型:韩国剧剧情,言情
主演:Jeff Wincott,Mimi Craven,Patrick Kilpatrick
简介: 特工艾利克隶属FBI海外秘密部门,因执行任务失败被撤职,以维修电话为生。一伙雇佣兵闯入艾利克父亲所在的化工厂,企图炸掉化工厂释放神经毒气要挟政府释放重刑犯克鲁格并索要2千万美金的钻石做为赎金。若毒气被释放,整个城市几百万人口将无一幸存。艾利克通过维修电话线路意外收听到匪徒与政府的交易,单枪匹马潜入化工厂。殊不知这是FBI策划的一场阴谋,意图除掉艾利克。深陷危机的艾利克只能搏命反击,与FBI幕后黑手展开一连串的火爆对峙……
备注: 类型:韩国剧剧情,言情
主演:Tim Robinson,詹妮弗·马萨拉,丹尼尔·R·希尔,Sisa Grey,弗兰克·格里什,Harvey B. Jackson,Stephen Brown,Kristen Kelly,Amanda Reed,Joyce Greenleaf,Harry Zinn,马科斯·德席尔瓦斯
备注: 类型:韩国剧剧情,言情
主演:Tim Robinson,詹妮弗·马萨拉,丹尼尔·R·希尔,Sisa Grey,弗兰克·格里什,Harvey B. Jackson,Stephen Brown,Kristen Kelly,Amanda Reed,Joyce Greenleaf,Harry Zinn,马科斯·德席尔瓦斯
备注: 类型:韩国剧剧情,言情
主演:Sarah Jeffery,Larissa Dias
简介: Mateo is a completely normal boy who one night realizes that he must assert himself as the defender of dreams against the Nightmare King and his nasty machinations. But are his dreams really just dreams? Because in the morning, creatures from Mateo’s dream are suddenly reality and a lot else has changed.
备注: 类型:韩国剧剧情,言情
主演:Christopher,英加·伊布斯多特·莉莉亚斯,Christine Albeck Børge,阿达兰·埃斯迈利, 塞巴斯汀·杰森,波·亨里克森,Jonathan Harboe,玛丽亚·阿斯克海文,Tobias Stelzner,Jonas Gülstorff,Ian Burns,Jefferson Bond,Aksel True Klüver
简介: Elliott, a young fisherman with an extraordinary voice, gets the chance of a lifetime when he is discovered by the successful high-profile music manager, Suzanne. Suzanne soon pairs Elliott with her estranged daughter and music producer, Lily. On his way to becoming a star, struggles from the past threaten not only his big breakthrough, but also the budding love with Lily.
备注: 类型:韩国剧剧情,言情
主演:洛奇林·莫罗,杨茜·巴特勒,乔·胡尔特拉斯,伊莎贝拉·戈麦兹,弗洛伊·格特瑞兹,盖特林·格里菲斯,巴特·约翰逊,Debra De Liso,帕特里克·R·沃克,尼克·巴拉德,莎丽尼·巴辛娜,Lindsay LaVanchy,Jeff Willy,肯特·法尔考,Amber Pauline Magdesyan,梅尔·法尔,小戴维·M·桑多瓦尔,麦斯威尔·汉密尔顿,戴澴雨
备注: 类型:韩国剧剧情,言情
主演:亚当·弗莱明,迈克尔·卡西迪,亚当·哈根布奇,West Liang,Rachele Schank,贾斯汀·柯恩,Desirey Abbs,Andrey Bereza,Katie Bonser,Ashley Casanova,Ria Gaudioso,David Jeffrey Klick Jr.,Malachi Kobayashi,Sarah Jean Morrison,Joshua Nunez,
简介: The fan-demanded sequel to the award winning, internationally distributed 2005 short film ’Dare.’ Ben and Johnny, now in their early 30s, fortuitously run into each other at a party in Los Angeles after not seeing each other since high school, where they shared one slightly dangerous, very sexy, boundary-pushing night in a swimming pool. Is their connection still alive, and what do they do about it?
备注: 类型:韩国剧剧情,言情
主演:Marie-Julie Rivest ... Jasmine,Patricia McKenzie ... Reena,Jeffrey Pierce ... Charlie Jade
简介:这是一个关于平行世界(平行宇宙)的故事。 在剧中,一共描绘了三个相互平行的世界,它们是: Alpha世界:一个在很多科幻作品中都能看到的未来世界,阴沉、昏暗、压抑,色彩偏绿。这个世界由五个巨型跨国公司所统治,其中起决定作用的是Vex-C公司。Vex-C公司在三个世界中都存在,他们是唯一知道平行世界秘密的组织。 Beta世界:与人们今时今日所处的世界非常相象(或者说就是现实世界),色彩偏蓝。 Gamma世界:一个理想化的田园世界,人们非常懂得环境保护和资源节约,色彩偏暖。 在第一集中,Vex-C公司的科学家试图打开一个连接Alpha世界和Gamma世界的通道,并从Gamma世界吸取未经污染的纯净水。 而在Gamma世界中,激进分子Bern和Reena察觉到了Vex-C公司的图谋,决定炸毁Vex-C公司的设施,隔断平行世界之间的连接。从某种意义上来说,他...
备注: 类型:韩国剧剧情,言情
主演:Priya Kansara,里图·阿亚,Renu Brindle,Rekha John-Cheriyan,Seraphina Beh,埃拉·布鲁科莱里,Sally Ann,Jenny Funnell,Shona Babayemi,Sona Babayeva,Shobu Kapoor,尼姆拉·布查,Sophie Aisling,Su McLaughlin,Jeff Mirza
简介: Aspiring martial artist Ria Khan believes she must save her older sister, Lena, from her impending marriage. With the help of her friends, Ria attempts to pull off the most ambitious of all wedding heists in the name of independence and sisterhood. 源自: